7/31/2012 | Write a Horror piece about a labourer who writes a book. At some point, the labourer must appear in an office and encounter a fish (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/31/2012 | Write a Literary Fiction piece about a watchmaker who writes a book. At some point, the watchmaker must appear in an embassy and encounter cables (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/28/2012 | Write a Detective piece about a chimney sweep who comes out of the closet. At some point, the chimney sweep must appear in a laboratory and encounter a forge (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/28/2012 | Write a Romance piece about an optometrist who gets married. At some point, the optometrist must appear in a workshop and encounter a vinyl plank (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/27/2012 | Write a Detective piece about a journeyman who gets a raise. At some point, the journeyman must appear in an accounting office and encounter a forge (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/27/2012 | Write a Crime piece about a solderer who gets divorced. At some point, the solderer must appear in a workshop and encounter a phone (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/26/2012 | Write a Detective piece about a vocational educator who gets into a car accident. At some point, the vocational educator must appear in a workshop and encounter a computer (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/25/2012 | Write a Literary Fiction piece about a butcher who writes a book. At some point, the butcher must appear in a school and encounter a watch repair kit (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2012 | Write a Mystery piece about a machinist who reads a book. At some point, the machinist must appear in an anywhere and encounter a fish (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2012 | Write a Science Fiction piece about a dentist who gets into a car accident. At some point, the dentist must appear in a workshop and encounter a fish (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2012 | Write a Crime piece about a boilermaker who becomes a vagrant. At some point, the boilermaker must appear in an office and encounter a propane torch (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/22/2012 | Write a Fantasy piece about an advocate who gets a raise. At some point, the advocate must appear in a factory and encounter a computer (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/22/2012 | Write a Crime piece about a clockmaker who travels for work. At some point, the clockmaker must appear in an accounting office and encounter a carpet tack strip (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/21/2012 | Write a Fantasy piece about an actuary who passes out. At some point, the actuary must appear in a workshop and encounter scissors (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/21/2012 | Write a Horror piece about a jeweller who plays an extra in a TV show. At some point, the jeweller must appear in a restaurant and encounter a cash register (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/21/2012 | Write a Romance piece about an ironworker who gets divorced. At some point, the ironworker must appear in a building and encounter baking goods (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/21/2012 | Write a Mystery piece about an archivist who gets a job. At some point, the archivist must appear in a workshop and encounter cables (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/21/2012 | Write a Crime piece about a chef who rents a movie. At some point, the chef must appear in a salon and encounter heels and soles (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/21/2012 | Write a Literary Fiction piece about a journalist who gets into a car accident. At some point, the journalist must appear in an airplane and encounter cleaning supplies (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/21/2012 | Write a Horror piece about a labourer who goes away for vacation. At some point, the labourer must appear in a workshop and encounter a stone (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/21/2012 | Write a Action-Adventure piece about a journalist who loses a job. At some point, the journalist must appear in a roof and encounter a phone (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/21/2012 | Write a Science Fiction piece about a hairstylist who gets divorced. At some point, the hairstylist must appear in a fish market and encounter construction tools (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/21/2012 | Write a Science Fiction piece about a mechanic who wins the lottery. At some point, the mechanic must appear in a workshop and encounter shingles (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/19/2012 | Write a Action-Adventure piece about a plasterer who gets married. At some point, the plasterer must appear in a building wall and encounter a law book (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/19/2012 | Write a Detective piece about an ironworker who wins the lottery. At some point, the ironworker must appear in a court and encounter a stethoscope (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/18/2012 | Write a Crime piece about an actuary who gets married. At some point, the actuary must appear in a house and encounter a law book (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/18/2012 | Write a Romance piece about a cement mason who gets into a car accident. At some point, the cement mason must appear in a room and encounter a cleaver (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/18/2012 | Write a Horror piece about a professor who gets a job. At some point, the professor must appear in a factory and encounter a patient chart (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/16/2012 | Write a Science Fiction piece about a pharmacist who gets lost. At some point, the pharmacist must appear in a hotel and encounter a propane torch (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/15/2012 | Write a Science Fiction piece about a cooper who gets into a car accident. At some point, the cooper must appear in an utility pole and encounter a ladder (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/14/2012 | Write a Action-Adventure piece about a locksmith who loses a job. At some point, the locksmith must appear in an office and encounter cleaning supplies (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/13/2012 | Write a Crime piece about an electrician who watches TV. At some point, the electrician must appear in a laboratory and encounter a phone (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/11/2012 | Write a Horror piece about a lineworker who gets married. At some point, the lineworker must appear in a law office and encounter scissors (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/11/2012 | Write a Horror piece about a painter and decorator who loses a job. At some point, the painter and decorator must appear in an airplane and encounter a drill (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/11/2012 | Write a Detective piece about a traditional tradesman who loses a job. At some point, the traditional tradesman must appear in an office and encounter a fish (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/11/2012 | Write a Literary Fiction piece about a scientist who wins the lottery. At some point, the scientist must appear in a building wall and encounter a beaker (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/10/2012 | Write a Fantasy piece about a construction worker who gets into a car accident. At some point, the construction worker must appear in a school and encounter a power drill (not necessarily at the same time). | | View Stories |
7/10/2012 | Write a Detective piece about an archivist who gets into a car accident. At some point, the archivist must appear in a butchershop and encounter a plumbing snake (not necessarily at the same time). | | View Stories |