It is certain that the mere act of inditing tends, in a great degree, to the logicalisation of thought. Whenever, on account of its vagueness, I am dissatisfied with a conception of the brain, I resort forthwith to the pen, for the purpose of obtaining, through its aid, the necessary form, consequence, and precision.
1844, Edgar Allen Poe, Marginalia

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Oddly Prompted

I call this page "Oddly Prompted" because it contains a list of odd prompts.

The prompts are generated by randomly selecting a story type, genre, occupation, scene location and scene prop. I throw them together into a sentence and voilĂ !

Here is a list from the odd prompt generator.

Click here to see the source of the prompts and to suggest your own elements.

2012 — 2013 — 2014 — 2015 — 2016 — 2017 — 2018 — 2019 — 2020 — 2021 — 2022 — 2023 — 2024
Jan — Feb — Mar — Apr — May — Jun — Jul — Aug — Sep — Oct — Nov — Dec

3/28/2014Write a Action-Adventure piece about a pilot who coaches a little league team. At some point, the pilot must appear in a room and encounter a piano (not necessarily at the same time).

3/28/2014Write a Fantasy piece about a vocational educator who watches TV. At some point, the vocational educator must appear in a construction site and encounter a soldering iron (not necessarily at the same time).

3/27/2014Write a Horror piece about a barber who plays in a band. At some point, the barber must appear in a cubicle and encounter glasses (not necessarily at the same time).

3/22/2014Write a Action-Adventure piece about a barber who makes a scientific discovery. At some point, the barber must appear in a room and encounter a film (not necessarily at the same time).

3/18/2014Write a Literary Fiction piece about an instrument mechanic who walks to first base. At some point, the instrument mechanic must appear in an office and encounter glasses (not necessarily at the same time).

3/16/2014Write a Romance piece about a mechanic who rents a movie. At some point, the mechanic must appear in a room and encounter an aviation headset (not necessarily at the same time).

3/16/2014Write a Horror piece about a construction worker who learns to play an instrument. At some point, the construction worker must appear in a recording studio and encounter a prescription pad (not necessarily at the same time).

3/14/2014Write a Fantasy piece about a cement mason who goes to church. At some point, the cement mason must appear in a hospital and encounter a chemical substance (not necessarily at the same time).

3/14/2014Write a Mystery piece about a teacher who learns to ballroom dance. At some point, the teacher must appear in a work site and encounter a soldering iron (not necessarily at the same time).

3/12/2014Write a Crime piece about a hairstylist who makes a scientific discovery. At some point, the hairstylist must appear in an office and encounter a barrel (not necessarily at the same time).

3/12/2014Write a Science Fiction piece about a computer programmer who paints a picture. At some point, the computer programmer must appear in a school and encounter a trowel (not necessarily at the same time).

3/10/2014Write a Detective piece about an actor who writes a book. At some point, the actor must appear in an operating room and encounter a chimney brush (not necessarily at the same time).

3/9/2014Write a Crime piece about an optometrist who gets sick. At some point, the optometrist must appear in a workshop and encounter a forge (not necessarily at the same time).

3/7/2014Write a Literary Fiction piece about a technician who falls off a cliff. At some point, the technician must appear in a room and encounter an oil paint (not necessarily at the same time).

3/7/2014Write a Literary Fiction piece about a receptionist who has a part in a play. At some point, the receptionist must appear in a jewelry store and encounter a vinyl plank (not necessarily at the same time).

3/2/2014Write a Detective piece about a professor who writes a poem. At some point, the professor must appear in an office and encounter a notepad (not necessarily at the same time).




Sentence Structure

Story Blurb



Narrator and Point of View


Dialogue and Monologue

by JS Blume Publishing™ except where otherwise noted
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