6/30/2024 | Write a Romance piece about a professor who rents a movie. At some point, the professor must appear in a work site and encounter an equipment (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
6/30/2024 | Write a Action-Adventure piece about a career diplomat who plays an extra in a TV show. At some point, the career diplomat must appear in a fish market and encounter a computer (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
6/28/2024 | Write a Literary Fiction piece about a chef who gets sick. At some point, the chef must appear in a hospital and encounter a spacesuit (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
6/27/2024 | Write a Fantasy piece about an archivist who walks to first base. At some point, the archivist must appear in a dance studio and encounter a baggage cart (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
6/27/2024 | Write a Science Fiction piece about a sculptor who paints a picture. At some point, the sculptor must appear in a construction site and encounter an acrylic paint (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
6/24/2024 | Write a Romance piece about a chimney sweep who writes a poem. At some point, the chimney sweep must appear in a hotel and encounter a gavel (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
6/24/2024 | Write a Mystery piece about a veterinarian who loses a job. At some point, the veterinarian must appear in a workshop and encounter an aviation headset (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
6/22/2024 | Write a Detective piece about a millwright who passes out. At some point, the millwright must appear in a room and encounter a computer (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
6/20/2024 | Write a Action-Adventure piece about a traditional tradesman who goest to a concert. At some point, the traditional tradesman must appear in a room and encounter an eye chart (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
6/19/2024 | Write a Fantasy piece about a labourer who hits a home run. At some point, the labourer must appear in a factory and encounter construction tools (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
6/17/2024 | Write a Crime piece about a steeplejack who goes to a football game. At some point, the steeplejack must appear in a classroom and encounter a propane torch (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
6/14/2024 | Write a Literary Fiction piece about a computer programmer who returns to school. At some point, the computer programmer must appear in a jewelry store and encounter a cash register (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
6/11/2024 | Write a Mystery piece about a blacksmith who strikes out. At some point, the blacksmith must appear in an airplane and encounter cables (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
6/9/2024 | Write a Mystery piece about a receptionist who returns to school. At some point, the receptionist must appear in a construction site and encounter a vinyl plank (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
6/8/2024 | Write a Action-Adventure piece about an actuary who goes to a karaoke bar. At some point, the actuary must appear in an utility pole and encounter glasses (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
6/7/2024 | Write a Romance piece about a veterinarian who runs in a race. At some point, the veterinarian must appear in a hotel and encounter glasses (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
6/5/2024 | Write a Mystery piece about a steeplejack who gets into a car accident. At some point, the steeplejack must appear in a workshop and encounter a paint brush (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
6/3/2024 | Write a Horror piece about a sculptor who reads a book. At some point, the sculptor must appear in a classroom and encounter a phone (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
6/1/2024 | Write a Action-Adventure piece about a construction worker who goes away for vacation. At some point, the construction worker must appear in a spaceship and encounter an acrylic paint (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
6/1/2024 | Write a Horror piece about a steeplejack who walks to first base. At some point, the steeplejack must appear in a jewelry store and encounter a body belt (not necessarily at the same time). | | |