7/31/2024 | Write a Fantasy piece about a butcher who goes to a football game. At some point, the butcher must appear in a room and encounter a phone (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/31/2024 | Write a Horror piece about a welder who loses a job. At some point, the welder must appear in a workshop and encounter a chalkboard (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/30/2024 | Write a Action-Adventure piece about an accountant who gets a job. At some point, the accountant must appear in a school and encounter a ballet tutu (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/27/2024 | Write a Mystery piece about a clockmaker who goes to a nightclub. At some point, the clockmaker must appear in a hospital and encounter a particle accelerator (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/26/2024 | Write a Action-Adventure piece about an astronaut who gets married. At some point, the astronaut must appear in an office and encounter baking goods (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/25/2024 | Write a Romance piece about a cobbler who learns to play an instrument. At some point, the cobbler must appear in an airplane and encounter a ballet tutu (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Literary Fiction piece about a physician who gets lost. At some point, the physician must appear in a work site and encounter a forge (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Romance piece about a hairstylist who gets sick. At some point, the hairstylist must appear in a laboratory and encounter a football (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Action-Adventure piece about an optometrist who attends a meeting. At some point, the optometrist must appear in a pharmacy and encounter punches and dies (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Romance piece about a machinist who goes to a baseball game. At some point, the machinist must appear in a workshop and encounter a forge (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Crime piece about a solderer who wins the lottery. At some point, the solderer must appear in a workshop and encounter a vinyl plank (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Fantasy piece about a computer programmer who goes to church. At some point, the computer programmer must appear in a barbershop and encounter a stethoscope (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Mystery piece about a pilot who goes to church. At some point, the pilot must appear in a school and encounter a baseball (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Mystery piece about a physician who passes out. At some point, the physician must appear in a tailor shop and encounter heels and soles (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Fantasy piece about a tailor who bunts a baseball. At some point, the tailor must appear in a pharmacy and encounter a palette (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Mystery piece about a philosopher who goest to a concert. At some point, the philosopher must appear in a work site and encounter an eye chart (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Romance piece about a roofer who reads a book. At some point, the roofer must appear in a spaceship and encounter paint & brushes (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Fantasy piece about a lawyer who learns to ballroom dance. At some point, the lawyer must appear in a classroom and encounter a cash register (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Crime piece about a hairstylist who paints a picture. At some point, the hairstylist must appear in a football field and encounter a t-square (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Mystery piece about a machinist who rents a movie. At some point, the machinist must appear in a building and encounter a computer (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Detective piece about a hairstylist who goes to church. At some point, the hairstylist must appear in a room and encounter a palette (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Crime piece about a tailor who wins the lottery. At some point, the tailor must appear in a classroom and encounter a trowel (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Romance piece about a teacher who gets lost. At some point, the teacher must appear in an utility pole and encounter a tripod (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Detective piece about a doctor who loses a job. At some point, the doctor must appear in a tailor shop and encounter an oil paint (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Horror piece about a lawyer who catches a fly ball. At some point, the lawyer must appear in a chimney and encounter cables (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Mystery piece about a judge who falls off a cliff. At some point, the judge must appear in a moon and encounter sewing supplies (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Science Fiction piece about a psychologist who takes a picture. At some point, the psychologist must appear in an office and encounter cables (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Romance piece about a vinyl layer who learns to ballroom dance. At some point, the vinyl layer must appear in a construction site and encounter cables (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Literary Fiction piece about a painter who catches a fly ball. At some point, the painter must appear in an utility pole and encounter a trowel (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Literary Fiction piece about an accountant who starts a band. At some point, the accountant must appear in a classroom and encounter a baseball bat (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Romance piece about a philosopher who bunts a baseball. At some point, the philosopher must appear in an automotive shop and encounter a spacesuit (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Horror piece about a sculptor who walks to first base. At some point, the sculptor must appear in an utility pole and encounter baking goods (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/23/2024 | Write a Romance piece about a journalist who plays an extra in a TV show. At some point, the journalist must appear in a machine shop and encounter a palette (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/20/2024 | Write a Horror piece about a journalist who goes to a baseball game. At some point, the journalist must appear in a laboratory and encounter a ledger book (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/17/2024 | Write a Mystery piece about a fishmonger who passes out. At some point, the fishmonger must appear in a construction site and encounter an aviation headset (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/15/2024 | Write a Action-Adventure piece about a labourer who loses a job. At some point, the labourer must appear in a house and encounter a plaster (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/10/2024 | Write a Science Fiction piece about a construction who rents a movie. At some point, the construction must appear in an office and encounter sewing supplies (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/7/2024 | Write a Crime piece about an astronaut who goest to a concert. At some point, the astronaut must appear in a salon and encounter a prescription pad (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/7/2024 | Write a Action-Adventure piece about a sales assistant who goes away for vacation. At some point, the sales assistant must appear in a cubicle and encounter a carpet tack strip (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/6/2024 | Write a Fantasy piece about an optometrist who goes away for vacation. At some point, the optometrist must appear in a spaceship and encounter an acrylic paint (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/5/2024 | Write a Romance piece about a journeyman who becomes a vagrant. At some point, the journeyman must appear in a spaceship and encounter a camera (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
7/1/2024 | Write a Detective piece about an accountant who takes a picture. At some point, the accountant must appear in a workshop and encounter sewing supplies (not necessarily at the same time). | | |