5/17/2023 | Write a Science Fiction piece about a locksmith who has a part in a play. At some point, the locksmith must appear in an embassy and encounter a piano (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
5/8/2023 | Write a Action-Adventure piece about a chambermaid who runs in a race. At some point, the chambermaid must appear in a roof and encounter paint & brushes (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
5/6/2023 | Write a Romance piece about a blacksmith who goes away for vacation. At some point, the blacksmith must appear in an anywhere and encounter an eye chart (not necessarily at the same time). | | |
5/3/2023 | Write a Detective piece about a receptionist who hits a home run. At some point, the receptionist must appear in an accounting office and encounter a podium (not necessarily at the same time). | | |